Digital Coordinator Role

C-CoMP members work closely with Laura Gray, the Digital Coordinator (DC), to ensure that metadata and data align with FAIR principles and expedite the process of data deposition.

The Digital Coordinator will:

  1. Monitor, coordinate, & approve C-CoMP dataset number requests.

  2. Assist C-CoMP members when they deposit data to domain-specific repositories.

  3. Hold weekly data “office hours” to answer questions about this handbook and the deposition process.

  4. Screen metadata and data submissions to BCO-DMO; expedite data submission process by completing BCO-DMO project registrations and dataset submissions.

  5. Manage the C-CoMP Open Access fund after a system is adopted by the C-CoMP executive committee.

  6. Collect and relay concerns regarding the Open Science Policy to the C-CoMP Executive Committee.

Last updated